4 posts
Facebook Custom Metrics
Here’s a great custom metric to add to your Facebook Ads Manager. It’s called Thumb-stop Ratio or how well your ad hooks and engages with your audience the first 3…
Facebook: 6 Techniques to tell a story on mobile
Burst Burst front-loads the action of the story then provides people with pure entertainment, so it rewards them for retention. Shuffle This is like a trailer before a trailer, because…
Facebook Ads: Budgeting and Mistakes
•Not just spending money but getting data. Not too high to freak you out but not too low to take forever for data. Recommend $25-$50 a day to get data…
3 Common Facebook Ad Mistakes
Focusing only on the product versus who the product is from. Not just topic but who you are learning from. Don’t want to learn basketball from Oprah vs. Lebron. Equally…